I grieve for the loss of a great champion of liberty, a visionary I admired immensely. I salute him for the role he played in the founding of Universidad Francisco Marroquin, enriching the lives of many young people, and all that came in contact with him. A great man has passed our way and touched our lives and we are the better for it.
I thought Muso was eternal. Indeed in the most important ways he is. But his probing, fun loving, late night, after the dinner chats will be very missed. God bless him and his wonderful wife and family and all he has give to us all.
To the family of Mr. Ayau, I send condolences during this time of grief. I met your father in Indianapolis through his visits for Liberty Fund board meetings, and I sat next to him at lunch a few times. In those moments, I came to know him as a man of humor and great experience, with a calm and sincere demeanor. In spite of his great achievements, his pride seemed most rooted in his family and his convictions. I like very much this picture that was chosen to display as we write messages in his honor. It so much represents the warm, bemused, and kind face that I recall. He told me many stories about fishing off the coast and volcanic eruptions. With warmest regards,